Saturday, September 19, 2009

Family Home Evening - Community Plans

Community Plans

Scripture or Quote:

“We live in a most exciting and challenging period in human history. As technology sweeps through every facet of our lives, changes are occurring so rapidly that it can be difficult for us to keep our lives in balance. To maintain some semblance of stability in our lives, it is essential that we plan for our future. I believe it is time, and perhaps with some urgency, to review the counsel we have received in dealing with our personal and family preparedness. We want to be found with oil in our lamps sufficient to endure to the end.”- Elder L. Tom Perry, Ensign, Nov. 1995


When a city-wide emergency occurs, do you know what the state, city, stake or ward plans are? This FHE will help you and your family familiarize yourselves with the various community plans.

Opening Song: Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord – H 110


The very first plan that is referenced in any community plan is your own personal plan. It is important that you form a plan as a family first. It is likely that in the event of a disaster, the community will have to rely on each other for the first 72 hours before any outside aid will be able to help.

After you have come up with your family plan, then learn what your neighborhood plan is. Many wards have an emergency preparedness specialist that either has developed or is working on your ward plan. Contact that person to see what the plan is and if you can help!

The very first plan that is referenced in any community plan is your own personal plan. It is important that you form a plan as a family first. It is likely that in the event of a disaster, the community will have to rely on each other for the first 72 hours before any outside aid will be able to help.

After you have come up with your family plan, then learn what your neighborhood plan is. Many wards have an emergency preparedness specialist that either has developed or is working on your ward plan. Contact that person to see what the plan is and if you can help!

Other plans to ask for are your work and/or school plans. All schools have emergency plans in place. Call the schools that your child attends and ask them for a copy of their plans so that you know where your children will be in the event of a disaster.

The Harrisville City plan was sent to citizens a few years ago. Copies are available through the city. In the event of a disaster, Harrisville city has many citizens that are trained to help in disaster situations through CERT. CERT training is free to all residents of Harrisville. It is the city’s goal to have 1 person per 10 families CERT trained. If you are interested, please attend!

Command central will be located at the Harrisville City Building for the city and at the Central Church (across from the city building) for the stake. To find specific information during a crisis, public information will be broadcast over the radio on KSL AM 1160. If television is available, information will also be broadcast on KUTV – channel 2, ABC – channel 4 and KSL – channel 5. The types of information that will be broadcast include:

Type of emergency, situation or hazard.

Area affected.
How to protect yourself.
Evacuation routes, if necessary.
Public shelter locations.
Type and location of medical facilities.
Phone numbers to call if you need help.

In addition to broadcasted information, signs were included in the emergency plans sent out by the city. Those signs are a red piece of paper and a green piece of paper. If you need help, place the red paper in you front window so that CERT volunteers know to come to your aid. If you and your family do not require assistance, place the green piece of paper so that volunteers can spend their time with those who need assistance the most. If you do not have a copy of the plan, using colored papers you have at home is perfect.

The city and church will work together in the event of an emergency. The communication plan is as follows:

Review these plans with your family so that you and your children know what to expect in the event of an emergency.

Closing Song: The Time is Far Spent – H 266


Cantaloupe Bowls

Cut a cantaloupe in half and clean the inside then pour jello mix (already mixed up) into the cantaloupe. The cantaloupe will work as a cute bowl. let it set then slice as you would normally.

Prepared by the Harrisville 2nd Ward EP Committee
Source: Harrisville City and Stake Emergency Plans

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